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Grigor Basentsyan


January 15, 2013 was appointed the Head of Training Center of “Center for Humanitarian Demining and Expertise” SNCO.    

 Born on 25th, 1970, Republic of Georgia.  



1976-1987  Secondary school N 4 in Ejmiatsin

1987-1992 Yerevan Polytechnic Institute



1994-1996 served in the RA Army

2002-2011 served in RA Armed Forces, and held a number of positions

2011 was demobilized. He is a captain of the reserve force.

2013 to Present

Head of “CHDE” SNCO Training Center


He participated in many professional courses in the field of humanitarian demining

2002, Yerevan

Information management Course in Accordance with International demining standards

2002, Yerevan

Network Administration, Information and geographic management systems applying the IMSMA program 

2002, Ejmiatsin

Mine Impact Survey Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation

2005,  Tbilisi,  Georgian Technical University, 

Mine Action Management Training, Middle Manager’s Course

2005, Yerevan

Minefield Clearing in Peacekeeping Operations. Joint Contact Team Program

2005, Ejmiatsin

Mine Impact Survey Training.  Global mine impact assessment process and its management. Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation. 

2006, Yerevan, UNDP

First Aid Training

2008, Yerevan, Kansas National Guard

Armenian Humanitarian Mine Action Training Course

2013, Moscow, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining 

Mine Action Information Management Qualification at level U3

2014, Moscow

Introduction to GIS, v.10.2. Sharing Content on the Web, v.10.2. Essential Workflows, v.10.2.

ArcGIS for Server: Site Configuration and Administration, v.10.2.    

2016, Kiev

Mine Action Information Management Qualification At Level A1


Safe behavior in active shooting situations

2021 Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)

EECCA RCP REMOTE Operational Efficiency Trainig Course

2021 Croatia, Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)

EECCA RCP Non-technical survey training course


He was awarded a number of departmental and international medals and certificate. 

Married, has two sons.