On June 19, Pavel Rassadin, Counselor of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Syrian Arab Republic, visited the Daraya district of Damascus, accompanied by Mr. Javed Habibulhaq, Head of the UNMAS Programme in Syria, to observe UNMAS Explosive Ordnance Clearance Project implemented by the “Centre for Humanitarian Demining and Expertise”. The Russian Federation is among the donors supporting the start of the pilot clearance project.
During the visit, Mr. Arkady Tonoyan, the Head of the "CHDE" Project, presented to the Counselor the scale of the planned works, as well as the results of the operations conducted so far. Initiated since December 2021, during the Explosive Ordnance Clearance Project the teams have so far cleared approximately 382,000 sqm of agricultural land and found 265 units of explosive ordnance. The ultimate goal of this project is to clear a total of 1 million square meters of agricultural land.
The guests visited the worksite, were presented the conducted operations and methods on the spot.
The Counselor of the Embassy and The Head of the UNMAS Programme in Damascus praised the work done by the skilled specialists of the CHDE SNCO.