In the framework of the project “Strengthening National Mine Action Capacities in Armenia”, the representatives of the “Center for Humanitarian Demining and Expertise” (“CHDE”) SNCO and UN Development Programme (UNDP) were on official visit to the Kingdom of Cambodia from 15-25 October. The project is funded by European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments.
From 17-19 October, the “CHDE” delegation led by the director Vaghinak Sargsyan participated in the Third Global Conference on the Rights of Survivors of Antipersonnel Mines and Other Explosive Ordnance in a Disability Rights Context, in the frame of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and Their Destruction. The activities and innovations implemented in this sphere were represented by the “CHDE”. The delegates also learnt about the experience and approaches of other countries.
The representatives of “CHDE” visited the technical institute of Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC) where they learnt about the ongoing activities, the methods applied during the operations. On 21st October, the delegates got acquainted with the equipment, implemented field visit and observed the clearance operations.
Afterwards, the “CHDE” representatives visited to Battambang Physical Rehabilitation Center, where learnt about the victim assistance system. A visit was carried out to post clearance site in Pailin. Here the delegates were represented the ongoing development programme. Exchange of experience was implemented.
The “CHDE” representatives meet the Delegate of the Royal Government/Director General of CMAC Heng Ratana. The “CHDE” director Vaghinak Sargsyan officially invited the CMAC representatives to Armenia to strengthen the newly established cooperation.
In the framework of the visit, the “CHDE” and UNDP delegation also meet Cambodian National Center for Peacekeeping Force, Mine and ERW clearance office director General Sem Sovani. The “CHDE” specialists learnt about the activities carried out by the Center as well as represented their activities in Mine Action.
At the end of the visit, the “CHDE” delegation met the Royal Government of Cambodia Senior Minister First Vice President, Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority Ly Thuch who welcoming the “CHDE” representatives expressed readiness for cooperation and mentioned that it would serve for the joint implementation of humanitarian mission.